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International Corpus of English (ICE)



English has been spoken in Ireland since the sixteenth century. By 1800, it was regularly used by around 50% of the population, and is now the first language of 98-99% of the population (McArthur 1992). The remaining 1-2% speak Irish Gaelic. In the Republic of Ireland, Irish Gaelic is the official language, with English designated as the 'second official language'. Population: c.3.8 million (Republic), c.1.6 million (Northern Ireland).

Kallen, Jeffrey L & John M. Kirk (2012) SPICE-Ireland: A User's Guide. Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona.
Kallen, Jeffrey L & John M. Kirk
(2008) ICE-Ireland: A User's Guide. Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona.
Kallen, Jeffrey L & John M. Kirk (2007) 'ICE Ireland: Local Variations on Global Standards, in Beal, Joan C., Karen P. Corrigan, and Hermann L. Moisl (eds) Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora, vol. 1: Synchronic Databases. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.121-62.
Kirk, John M. & Jeffrey L. Kallen (2006) 'Irish Standard English: How Celticised? How Standardised?', in Tristram, Hildegard L.C. (ed.) The Celtic Englishes IV: The Interface between Englsh and the Celtic Languages. Potsdam: Potsdamer Universitätsverlag. pp.88-113.


Online Newspapers

Irish Times
Belfast Telegraph
Online Radio Stations
RTE Radio
BBC Radio Ulster

Weiterführende Informationen


The ICE Ireland project includes both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and was carried out at The Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin. 



Under 'Research Projects', see 'ICE-Ireland' and 'SPICE-Ireland'.



Dr John Kirk
4 Parkvue Manor
Gilnahirk Park
Belfast BT5 7TJ 
Northern Ireland


Dr Jeffrey Kallen 
Centre for Language and Communication Studies 
Trinity College Dublin 
Dublin 2 
